This is it. I did it. I pushed that “Publish” button. The one I’ve been staring at for about two years now. (I’m pretty good at procrastinating!!) So, here I am. Sitting on the front porch. . .
Actually, today I’m sitting on the sofa, because it’s 21 degrees outside with about an inch of snow on the ground and some streets and roads that are a bit slick. I’m in southern Indiana, so we don’t get all that much white precipitation. I like it, just not the cold weather that has to bring it here. Hence, sofa-sitting rather that porch-sitting today.
My front porch is my happy place. There’s nothing spectacular about it to those who happen to drive by my humble abode. During the colder season, there’s a table and chairs, a few birdhouses from my collection sitting on an antique bucket bench, a couple of white rocking chairs, and some decorative zinc watering cans. But, during the growing season, it is filled with flowering plants, herbs, ferns, fresh flowers, the requisite mosquito or thirty, and, quite often, me. I sit and reflect on the day, make a few plans, eat meals, sip on sweet tea, and breathe. Just taking a deep breath or two to re-center my thoughts, my ideas, my life.
I’m an optimist. More than the “glass is half-full” type of person; more the “I’m thrilled to have a glass!” kind of gal. Even on the days when life seems to be all muddy instead of the clear water that is easier to navigate, I try to always find something good to reflect on. And most days there is always a part of the day that was positive.
So, join me when you can, whether it’s on the front porch or the sofa, while we settle back, review and rewind the day just past, and get ready to move on with the rest of our life. Because whether it’s the front porch, the sofa, or the kitchen chair, we all need a place to find that little piece of ourselves that is oh-so-important to our wellbeing.
Music and laughter, blessings and hugs.