Sitting on the sofa, trying to decide which of the six magazine I received today should be read first! Decisions, decisions! I’ve been watching the weather forecast for later this week and it seems as if the growing season will officially end later this week, with temperatures to drop below freezing several mornings. I love the change of seasons, but this is the hardest one for me, as summer is my best season. I relish working in my garden. I love being able to be outside. I love the lushness of the spring and summer. I’ve come to realize, though, that this season of pulling back, of cold, of quiet, is leading us to rest and renew and refresh, to ready ourselves, once again, for the growth in the next one.
A couple of years ago, I noticed a canna growing on the edge of the compost pile beside my garage, said new growth from a what I thought was dead and decayed bulb tossed from another section of my garden. As the soil in the compost heap is quite warm and rich, the single canna bulb has exploded into a canna jungle, still blooming at this late date. I looked at this canna and know that it will soon be gone from this season, but that is waiting to reappear next summer, bursting forth in its new life from the rich earth that protects and nourishes it. We need this time to look back and nourish that which was good and explore what we want – need? – to change. Like the flowers in my garden, we rest. We return. We burst forth into our new selves, sheltered in the cocoons of our homes and Mother Earth. We grow. Ever changing, ever the same. And we are all the better for the rest. Music and laughter, blessings and hugs.